Getting information about patches is analogous to reading agents’ data. Example below defines experiment with patches_after
element to access position and color of all patches. Example uses NetLogo diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) model (Wilensky, 1997).
experiment <- nl_experiment(
model_file = "models/Sample Models/Chemistry & Physics/Diffusion Limited Aggregation/DLA.nlogo",
while_condition = "count patches with [pcolor = 55] < 1000",
param_values = list(
wiggle_angle = c(60,120),
`max-particles` = 100,
`use-whole-world?` = FALSE,
world_size = 150
mapping = c(
wiggle_angle = "wiggle-angle"
patches_after = list(
patches = patch_set(
vars = c("pxcor", "pycor", "pcolor"),
patches = "patches"
random_seed = 1
result <- nl_run(experiment)
nl_show_patches(result, x_param = "wiggle_angle") +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("white","darkred"))
Ants example demonstrates simple parameter sets definition and parameter mapping.