This example is using NetLogo Flocking model (Wilensky, 1998) to demonstrate exploring parameter space with categorical evaluation.
See also Thiele, Kurth & Grimm (2014) for categorical criteria example.
As in previous example two measures of self-organization were defined:
element) andexperiment <- nl_experiment(
model_file = "models/Sample Models/Biology/Flocking.nlogo",
setup_commands = c("setup", "repeat 100 [go]"),
iterations = 5,
param_values = list(
world_size = 50,
population = 80,
vision = c(3,6),
min_separation = seq(from = 0, to = 4, by = 0.5),
max_align_turn = seq(from = 0, to = 20, by = 2.5)
mapping = c(
min_separation = "minimum-separation",
max_align_turn = "max-align-turn"),
step_measures = measures(
converged = "1 -
(standard-deviation [dx] of turtles +
standard-deviation [dy] of turtles) / 2",
mean_crowding =
"mean [count flockmates + 1] of turtles"
eval_criteria = criteria(
c_converged = mean(step$converged),
c_mcrowding = mean(step$mean_crowding)
repetitions = 10, # repeat simulations 10 times
random_seed = 1:10,
eval_aggregate_fun = mean # aggregate over repetitions
result3 <- nl_run(experiment, parallel = TRUE)
If we were interested in parameters where the model will produce medium sized flocks which fly in same direction we could define criteria based on crowding and direction convergence like this:
Crowding criteria:
\[ 5 \leq crowding < 11 \]
Alignment criteria:
\[ converged > 0.7 \]
dat <- nl_get_criteria_result(
are_grouped = c_mcrowding >= 5 & c_mcrowding < 11,
are_aligned = c_converged > 0.7
ggplot( dat, aes(x = min_separation, y = max_align_turn) ) +
geom_point() +
geom_point(data=subset(dat,are_aligned),color="red",size=5,shape=2) +
geom_point(data=subset(dat,are_grouped),color="blue",size=5,shape=3) +
coord_equal(ratio = 1/5) +
facet_grid(. ~ vision, labeller = label_both) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(panel.margin = grid::unit(0.07,"npc"))
#> Warning: `panel.margin` is deprecated. Please use `panel.spacing` property
#> instead